Monday, April 30, 2012

CEO Boustead Holdings



Tan Sri Dato' Lodin bin Wok Kamaruddin berkhidmat sebagai Ketua Eksekutif Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT) sejak Ogos 1982 dan Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan dan Timbalan Pengerusi Boustead Holdings Berhad masing-masing sejak 1 Julai1991 dan 3 Mac 2010.Beliau juga merupakan Timbalan Pengerusi Affin Holdings Berhad sejak 1 Julai 2008Sebelum menyertai LTAT pada tahun 1982, beliau berkhidmat dengan Perbadanan Kemajuan Bukit Fraser sebagai Pengurus Besar dari 1973 hingga 1982. Beliau mempunyai pengalaman yang luas dalam pengurusan am dan pengurusan dana.


Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pentadbiran Perniagaan (1972) : College of Business Administration,University of Toledo,Toledo, Ohio, Amerika Syarikat .Sarjana Pentadbiran Perniagaan (1973)  : University of Toledo,Toledo, Ohio, Amerika Syarikat


  • Pengerusi Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation Berhad
  • Pengerusi Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd
  • Pengerusi Boustead Petroleum Marketing Sdn Bhd 
  • Pengerusi Boustead Petroleum Sdn Bhd
  • Pengerusi Boustead REIT Managers Sdn Bhd 
  • Pengerusi 1Malaysia Development Berhad 

  • Lembaga Pengarah Affin Bank Berhad
  • Pengarah Affin Islamic Bank Berhad
  • Pengarah Affin Investment Bank Berhad
  • AXA AFFIN LifeInsurance Berhad
  • UAC Berhad, Kabel Kuasa (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
  • Universiti Nottingham di Malaysia Sdn Bhd
  • Pengarah Atlas Hall Sdn Bhd.
  • Pengarah Power Cable Sdn Bhd
  • ahli Kumpulan Pemerhati Pemegang Saham minoriti.

5 Questions for Tan Sri Lodin Wok Kamaruddin

1. LTAT has been making good profit and declaring good dividends in recent years. What is the secret to that? Bernard Gideon Lim, Penang
There is no secret to it. LTAT undertook strategic initiatives in the late 1980s to transform itself from a passive investor in the market to an active one. Various corporate exercises were undertaken to rationalise and consolidate LTAT's investments. New and profitable investments and business ventures were also identified and undertaken. In addition, over the years, we have put in place an ideal system of checks and balances while introducing various key performance indicators in terms of return on investments, return on equity and a matrix to improve shareholders value. What we witness today is the result of a lot of hard work and strong commitment by our people, meticulous planning and effective monitoring by our management team as well as a good system of checks and balances in the management of LTAT's investment activities.

2. What can shareholders look forward to from Boustead and its companies in the next five years? P. Arumugam, KL
We will continue to focus on our six core business activities. We will pursue growth either organically or through M&As with the objective of adding or unlocking value and creating better efficiency and profitability. Greater emphasis will be placed on recruiting, training and retaining good people to ensure that we have a sufficient pool of dedicated and experienced talent to support our initiatives. We will also work very closely with the University of Nottingham and our associate company,Applied Agricultural Resources Sdn Bhd, to expand our research and development activities to support our growth especially in the oil palm and pharmaceutical sectors. Additionally, we intend to improve on our customer delivery system across our various divisions and business units. We hope that these initiatives will generate much higher returns for our shareholders in the form of higher annual dividends and better capital gain.
3. What do you enjoy most about your current roles? Ng Wei Loong, KL
I am indeed pleased to be able to work well with a strong and dedicated team both at board and management level who share the same vision, mission as well as passion in growing the group and giving the best to shareholders. I am also happy to be able to carry out plans, programmes and initiatives that contribute immensely to the wellbeing of stakeholders, especially members of the Malaysian Armed Forces, who are also the shareholders of LTAT. I have also found it very stimulating and challenging to be able to cross manage and lead numerous businesses in highly diverse sectors from agriculture to petroleum, property development, finance and a host of other industries.
4. How do you juggle your time between Boustead and its subsidiaries as well as LTAT seeing that both seem to be demanding portfolios? Lim Eng Hock, JB
I am very passionate about my involvement in both the Boustead Group and LTAT and I give 100% commitment to ensure their success. Given my involvement in both operations for a long tenure, it has made it easier for me to plan and manage my time. I am also fortunate to have strong, supportive shareholders, board members and a dedicated management team at every level to guide, assist and to help ensure the success of both Groups
5. What are your views on the current economic environment worldwide? Do you think we are in for another recession? Chang Hong Mun, PJ
The global economy is going through a period of transition and re-balancing. What we see today is the gradual shifting from a western-driven global economy to an eastern-driven economy led by China. Until the West fixes their debt problems, the global economy will continue to be volatile. It is my belief that world leaders will be wise enough not to allow the world go through another painful period of a recession. Frankly, there would have to be some compromises worked out between rich and poor nations; developing and developed nations; and broadly between the East and the West.
Malaysia is quite resilient to overcome any economic downturn as a result of a global economic decline. Our banking system, which went through some painful and challenging experiences during and post 1997 economic crisis, is now one of the strongest after going through several rounds of rationalisation and consolidation exercises. On the economic front, initiatives and programmes that are being undertaken by the Government via the 10th Malaysia Plan, Economic Transformation Programme, TalentCorp and Ekuinas will further strengthen and grow our economy on a sustainable basis. Even though we may face issues regarding human capital, particularly in our plantation sector, we still have a highly competitive, well-trained and productive workforce to support various key sectors of the economy. All in all, I believe our economy will continue to prosper and enjoy a healthy growth rate


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